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Join Us

Your generous membership and sponsorship donations help:

  • Youth Summer Public Internship Program

  • Advocate for diversity, equality, and other issues that are important to the API community.

  • Voter education and engagement as a means of influencing public policy that impacts diversity and equality.

  • Support endorsed candidates.

  • Train and educate civic-minded people who are interested in serving their community.

  • Build coalitions through a broad network of supporters.

Membership Benefits

  • Participate in an exciting and life-changing campaign to promote and support diversity. 

  • Receive our API Caucus news and program announcements.

  • Invitations to exclusive API Caucus events.

Dues for Calendar Year

  • General Member ‐ $50

  • Elected or Appointed Official ‐ $99

Chairman's Circle
  • Invitation to annual private Board of Directors Luncheon.

  • Invitation to all private events with President and Board of Directors

  • Logo prominently displayed on all media, printed programs, and banners.

  • Mentioned and thanked at all events and programs. 

Board of Directors Circle

  • Invitation to all private events with President and Board of Directors

  • Logo prominently displayed on all media, printed programs, and banners.

  • Mentioned and thanked at all events and programs. 


Member Elite

  • Invitation to a private event with President and Board of Directors

  • Logo displayed on all media and printed programs.

  • Mentioned and thanked on events and programs. 


Member Special

  • Logo displayed on all media, and printed programs.

  • Mentioned and thanked on programs literature. 

Membership & Sponsorship Application 

Select an option

*Required by the California Fair Political Practice Commission

Thank you!

Contribute by Mail


Make checks payable to the "San Mateo County API Caucus." FPPC#1417433

Our mailing address is 274 Redwood Shores Parkway, #521, Redwood City, CA  94065  

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